Born in Salzburg in 1970, lives and works in Vienna
Travel to Vietnam, Cameroon, Kenya, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Gambia, USA and many European countries
From 2000 wood carving with Prof. Berta Klement
2004 Development of his own technique for sand painting
2008 Training as a web designer with a focus on graphics
Individual and group exhibitions in Vienna, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Carinthia & Germany.
• Sand pictures (natural colored sand from 5 continents on wood)
• Acrylic (naturalistic & abstract, illustrations)
• Tile mosaic (private & in public spaces)
• Wooden sculptures
• Street Art
• Creative interior design
• Metal jewelry (copper, brass, silver wire)
• Photoshop (photo editing, cover design, poster design)
• Assemblages, reliefs & objects (mixed media)
• Recycled Art
With her partner Mathias Handwerk and the association Art e Fact Vienna, she launched the exhibition "Art to Law" in the Justice Center Vienna Mitte, which has offered artists the opportunity to exhibit in public court buildings since 2009. In 2013, the exhibition was extended to BG Josefstadt.
Several public art actions with the artist group El-Kordy ("Margaretener BANKgeheimnis", "Dialog",
"Active", etc.). Art actions in parks, schools and kindergartens. Various facade designs in Vienna, Lower Austria and Salzburg. Ceiling design of the music hall of the school in the Michaelbeuern Abbey/Salzburg. Several room designs for private clients.
For German version please contact the artist.
Veronika Junger


mit Noura El-Kordy

Stift Michaelbeuern

Fußgängerunterführung Penzing mit Künstlergruppe El-Kordy